Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

Education Freedom - not just school choice

I am a member of the House Education Committee. I am also an advocate of higher educational standards, local control, and education freedom.

I believe that parents know what is best for their children. Education freedom is needed. Why should a child be bot be able to attend a charter school, take a math course at the traditional public school, take an online language course, etc. These options should not be available to just the wealthy but for everyone.

I have also been an active defender of public charter schools. NH has one of the highest disparities in the nation between funding of public charter schools and traditional public schools. I was recently recognized as a "Charter School Champion" by the NH Alliance of Public Charter Schools.

I have been a leader in legislation to protect student and teacher information and privacy. He had three privacy bills passed and signed into law this past term and have been recognized nationally for my efforts.
